Looking to lose weight… avoid Fad dieting and concentrate on healthy eating mixed with regular exercise.

Si vous souhaitez perdre du poids, évitez les régimes à la mode et concentrez-vous sur une alimentation saine associée à une activité physique régulière.

Je pense qu'on peut dire que nous sommes tous passés par là, cherchant à perdre quelques kilos en trop de la manière la plus rapide et indolore possible. Nous avons tous vu les publicités promettant que vous pouvez perdre une taille de robe en une semaine etc etc, et je suis sûre que nous avons tous été coupables de...
Fitness Holidays 2019

Vacances de remise en forme 2019

Final Fitness Holiday 2019 We’re in the final week of our Boot Camp Holidays and Fitness Holidays of this year. I’m absolutely delighted with the results of every single one of the clients that have come through our Weight Loss Course. In the last 6 months...
Weight Loss

Perte de poids

Weight Loss Weight Loss for many people is a difficult thing. People struggle to find the discipline and motivation to go and do some form of exercise. Others struggle to find the correct food to eat. Whereas others actually kid themselves about how they exercise and...


Congratulations to the last group who have successfully completed our FITNESS HOLIDAY on the lovely island of Tenerife.  We are still taking bookings before the summer holidays so this is your chance to get in shape before summer time arrives. If you would like to...


We have just finished another week of our BOOTCAMP HOLIDAY training with our most recent group clients.  Our intensive training program this week has consisted of 3 BEACH BOOTCAMP Classes on Monday , Wednesday & Friday starting each day at 07:30 on Puerto Colon...


  BOOTCAMP HOLIDAY 2019 If you are ready to make changes in your life but are unsure where to start contact us now!! We offer a unique intensive FITNESS HOLIDAY  in Sunny Tenerife.  We take care of every aspect of the holiday from the moment you arrive on the...