Final Fitness Holiday 2019
We’re in the final week of our Boot Camp Holidays and Fitness Holidays of this year. I’m absolutely delighted with the results of every single one of the clients that have come through our Weight Loss Course. In the last 6 months alone we have seen over 100 clients come to Tenerife to take part in out Fitness Holiday Program.
Vacances de remise en forme 2019

As well as having new clients every single week I’m over the moon to have a huge number of people returning on a regular basis. For the majority of those returning they tell me it’s more for the mental benefits than the actual weight loss they achieve. I’m also extremely lucky to now class most of these people as genuine friends….see their reviews
Boot Camp Holidays

Our training program is made up of many different types of training designed to help people Lose Weight, Tone Up, Build Strength & Stamina.

We start our fitness training Monday morning at 07:30 on the beach with Bootcamp. High intensity body weight training usually done with a partner in the fresh air on a lovely empty beach.
Healthy Meals
After the first training session of the day our clients return to their apartments to enjoy a healthy breakfast. Their fridge is full of fresh fruit, eggs, oats, avocados etc when they arrive on holiday so the are free to prepare whatever they prefer for breakfast.
Lunch & Dinner are prepared daily by our extremely talented chef Chris who boxes the meals up and delivers them to the clients. Again this means people can eat as and when it suits them rather than having to eat at a set time. We also cater for all food preferences, allergies or intolerances.
Gym Classes
After breakfast our clients head into the gym for their second session. This varies daily with all being high intensity training such as circuit training, boxing / kickboxing or kettlebells.

Running Track
As well as training in the gym during our Fitness Holidays 2019 we often use the local running track. This is an excellent facility used by international athletic teams for winter training.
This is a killer workout for everyone but is excellent for stripping fat and building stamina.

We start with sprints and shuttle runs then move onto pad work and finish off with “The Steps”. Running and jumping up the stadium steps to build explosive strength in the legs.
Krav Maga
The final class of the day on our Boot Camp Holiday is usually Krav Maga. This is a self defence system used by the Israeli Army. Most of our clients are very nervous about trying this as it sounds too scary. However by the end of the week most of them this this was the best part of their holiday. They are learning to defend themselves from violent attacks and how to escape from dangerous situations.

So to finish the year and our Final Fitness Holiday 2019 our whole team would like to say a massive Thank You to every single person who has put their confidence in us this year. We are delighted and proud to provide what we believe is the most unique Fitness Holidays available in Europe at the moment.
Our calendar is already filling up for Fitness Holidays in 2020 so if you would like to book you place contact us now.