Persönliches Training 

Personal Training is a tailor made fitness program designed to suit each and every person to their exact requirements.  Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or learn how to defend you and your family from the most violent or extreme situations. We can help you achieve that.

Personal Training sessions can be whatever each individual client would like it to be  e.g. you can focus purely on fitness, on self defence or a combination of both.

In Person Personal training prices at the gym

  • 1 on 1, 40€ per hour
  • 2 on 1, 60€ per hour

In Person Personal training prices at your own home or office in the south of Tenerife

  • 1 on 1, 90€per hour
  • 2 on 1, 120€ per hour

Online Personal Training Prices

  • 1 on 1, 40€ per hour
  • 2 on 1, 60€ per hour



Unlocking Your Full Potential with Personal Training 

The Benefits of Personal Training

Customized Workouts: Personal training allows for tailor-made exercise plans based on an individual’s goals and fitness level.

Accountability: A personal trainer provides motivation and guidelines to help keep you on track and following a healthier lifestyle.

Proper Form and Technique: The job of a personal trainer is to teach correct form and good techniques to help prevent the client from injuring themselves during training sessions.

Progress tracking: Your trainer will know your history and where you are along your fitness path and can adjust each session and workout accordingly.

Fight Based Training

Martial Arts: We are martial arts instructors and so use fight-based training such as pad work, and learning boxing / kickboxing which is a high-intensity full-body workout which not only helps create a high level of fitness but will help improve heart health, breathing and stamina which will lead to an overall massive increase in fitness levels.

Self-defence skills: By training in this way not only will your fitness improve but you will also learn how to defend yourself in a violent situation this is especially important to a lot of our female clients and children.

Increased confidence: As you feel and see an improvement in yourself this will naturally help raise your confidence level and boost your self-esteem.

Circuit training for total body conditioning

What is circuit training?: Circuit training is HIIT training where you do a short burst of high-intensity exercise for 30 seconds with a 15-second break in between, in this type of exercise you typically have 8 to 10 stations covering every major muscle group in the body. So both increasing strength and providing an excellent cardio workout.

Efficiency: It has been proven that HIIT training maximises calorie burn, and improves muscle strength and engagement in a shorter period of time.

Variety: Circuit training offers a huge variation of exercises, which will ensure that your training will never become boring or repetitive and can be switched between fight-based elements and strength/power elements.

Weight loss and muscle toning: Circuit training is an excellent way of losing weight and creating muscle definition.  By speaking to your personal trainer you can pick specific parts of your body that you would like to work on in any given class.

Kettlebell exercises

Kettlebells: are individual weights designed to cover a full range of exercises for every muscle group in the body and can also be used to improve cardio health through intensive repetitions.

Functional strength: Not only do kettlebells help improve functional strength, but their regular use will help improve agility and balance which can be used in your everyday life.

Versatility: Kettlebell workouts can be used in a variety of training situations, and can even be added to fight-based training such as bag work or pad work to help create explosive power ideal for fighters.

Personal Training and  a Healthier Lifestyle

Nutrition guidance: your personal trainer can offer you nutritional advice to make the most of your training schedules and exercise routines.

Stress reduction: Regular exercise especially fight-based training, which has massive health benefits such as reducing stress and improving mental health.

Long-term health benefits: A commitment to regular health and fitness training will contribute to a much healthier and active lifestyle, which greatly reduces the risk of serious illness, infections and diseases.

We believe our personal training system will genuinely help change your life for the better.

Personal Training Gym
Steve Coster Fitness Personal Training
PT circuit training
PT training session

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