Reasons to Exercise Outdoors

For some unknown reason, there is a stigma attached to the idea of doing your workouts outside. People are embarrassed by the idea of others watching them get their sweat on and decide to hide away inside a gym instead. Here are the top reasons we think you should...

3 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Trainer

It is common for the stereotype of personal trainers to scare people away and make them avoid hiring one- however, these stereotypes are often overexaggerated and false. In fact, there are many benefits that can be gained from using a personal trainer and, here at...

The Benefits of a Fitness Boot Camp

Every week, a new fitness trend will emerge and every fitness fanatic will go crazy. Despite this, some experts say that can be more beneficial to stick to the basics. If you are in doubt about which method is best for you, perhaps it is time to look into the benefits...

What to do in Tenerife in 2017

Sand, sea and sun is the reputation Tenerife has gained over many years following its increasing popularity as a British tourist location. And, like any other place thriving from the economy gained by tourism, Tenerife has a lot more to offer than its ability to tan!...


KRAV MAGA TENERIFE – Would you like to learn something new in 2017? KRAV MAGA /  KAPAP is a SELF DEFENCE SYSTEM created for the ISRAELI MILITARY and now used by countless SECURITY / SPECIAL FORCES  around the world. Our TRAINING focuses on real life situations...