Keep Fit During Lockdown
During this lockdown for Coronavirus is it of the upmost importance to try and complete daily exercise at home. Here are a few simple ideas to help you keep fit during lockdown. The human body is designed to move regularly and it will severely affect both physical health and or mental health if we don’t move daily. All of us have a more sedentary lifestyle at the moment than we do in our normal lives. In order to live healthily we need to push ourselves each and every day to keep our bodies active. Only 30 minutes of High Intensity Exercise daily will make your body feel physically stronger. More importantly our brains will feel calmer, more relaxed and confident throughout the day.

Have A Routine
Have a reason to get up in the morning!!! It’s so easy to get in the habit of lying in bed all day and then only moving from the bed to the sofa. This will very quickly make you feel bored, tired and even depressed. Set your alarm in the morning as if you were going to work. Have a shower, clean yourself up….guys shave… women put your make up on. This is psychologically giving you a purpose for the day. Do your exercise at home before or after you shower depending on what time you want to train. Every day set yourself a task that you want to complete before or after your home workout. This can be anything from cleaning your house, painting or repairing things you’ve been putting off. By forcing yourself to do something every day you will get a sense of achievement which keeps your spirits up and a positive attitude.

Live Healthy
To try and keep fit during lockdown take a multivitamin, vitamin c and magnesium that you feel will keep your immune system strong on a daily basis. Taking vitamins will not stop you from getting Coronavirus. However the stronger you and your immune system are then the more likely you will stay safe and get through this. Every day after exercising go and have a warm shower to clean yourself. After you’ve finished washing yourself then put the shower on as cold as you can take it and stand under the cold water for a couple of minutes. A lot of experts now believe that the cold shocks the body making it stronger and improving the immune system making it more able to fight off infections.

This are just a few ideas to help you keep fit during lockdown. All of us are in a position of such uncertainty at the moment and none of us know how long this will last. The best thing we can do is keep positive, and my advice to achieve this is maintaining a routine.
Get up everyday with purpose and make the most of that time
Keep active and keep healthy
If you’re looking for ideas of Home Workout ideas….please feel free to use the Free Bootcamp on the Balcony Workouts